Monday, April 26, 2010

PEPFAR Botswana Partners Meeting, May 6, 2010

On May 6th at the GICC Conference Center in Gaborone, we'll be hosting a PEPFAR Botswana Partners Meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to bring together our prime partners, as well as our partners in the Government of Botswana to discuss some exciting new changes we'll be implementing in Botswana over the next couple years.

We know there has been a lot of talk about the draft Botswana Partnership Framework, but as it nears completion, we want to talk about how this will affect our existing programs on the ground, as well as how we do business with our partners and the Government going forward.

In addition, in the afternoon from 2-5 p.m., we'll have a "PEPFAR Open House/Exhibition," open to all our Government partners, as well as our NGO implmenting partners (including sub-partners), as well as the press and any other interested parties. The primary purpose of this event is to give our partners, sub-partner and Government counterparts an opportunity to network and interact with each other as well as the PEPFAR staff. We hope this unique approach will help bring all of our teams together for a few hours and lead to new and stregnthened relationships.

The PEPFAR team in Botswana is proud of our history of supporting the national response, and we look forward to this new chapter in our support to the people of Botswana. We look forward to seeing you all on May 6th!

(Please note invitations for the morning session have been sent to our prime and Government partners. If you have not seen your invitation yet, contact your Program Officer.)

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